Quickly Ended War

"The dropping of the atomic bomb was done by a military man under military orders. We're supposed to carry out orders and not question them." - General Carl Spaatz

August 6, 1945, the Japanese generals refused to surrender, U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima.

Mushroom cloud of Hiroshima

Hiroshima after atomic bomb

Aug 9, 1945, the Japanese still had not surrendered and the U.S. dropped the second atomic bomb on the port of Nagasaki. 

Explosive cloud of Nagasaki

Devastated town of Nagasaki post bombing

Demolished city of Nagasaki

By August 10, 1945, the Japanese were devastated by the atomic bombings and casualties went into the millions. On August 14, 1945, the Japanese unconditionally surrendered to the Allies ending the war.

Japanese delegation stands at attention waiting for the ceremony to begin

General of army Douglas MacArthur opens the ceremony

Ceremony has ended and Japanese delegation is shown leaving the Veranda deck

Japan had officially surrendered and World War II had ended, restoring peace.

Two Duluth servicemen celebrating Japanese surrender and end of WWII

 Newspaper announcing Japans total surrender to war, shortly after atomic bombings


(Website about the atomic bombs and the end of WWII)